Madonna fans are rejoicing with the release of her newest video Girl Gone Wild, from her 12th album – MDNA – which releases next week. Very ‘”Vintage Madonna” in appeal, the video reminds us of her older classics like Vogue, Erotica and Justify My Love for two reasons: 1) It’s in black-and-white. 2) It has lots of sexual imagery.

Things you’ll see in the video – apart from the obvious bondage influences, group fondling and amazing choreography: Man playing with his crotch (at 8 seconds); two men eating an apple raunchily (at 12 seconds); men dancing in stilettos and tights (at 1:11 minutes); A half-naked muscular man wearing a crown of thorns (at 2:55 minutes) and finally Madonna crying tears of blood(?) at the end of the video.
Check it out: