Like a bad virus, serial killer Bob Biswas has a bad habit of popping-up throughout history at the most inopportune moments. From being present at the assassination of Julius Ceasar to watching President Kennedy’s cavalcade in Dallas just before his assassination to watching on menacingly at a shackled and chained Saddam Hussain, Bob does not miss a heartbeat in the history of the world!

Was he involved with all these famous killings? Well, the guys at ek minit will have you think so! This fan-page is dedicated to art of Bob Biswas, Sujoy Ghosh’s iconic character from Kahani and many people have uploaded some fab images. We shared a few with you last week, if you remember. Here are some more….

Uh…oh.. is this a sign of things to come? Will Justin Beiber or Sean Kingston be his next target?!

Beware, boys… especially if someone taps you on the shoulder and says, “Nomoshkaar…ek minit…!”