I love those Twitter trends that are India-specific; I always tend to find them so much funnier. 🙂 And let’s face it, we’re seriously an interesting bunch of people, so when I saw this particular trending topic, I couldn’t wait to check out the tweets that came with it. I went scouting for some of the more amusing ones, and decided to share them with you. Because #YouKnowYoureIndianWhen you can have a little laugh at yourself. 😉

Hahaha we have some of the most memorable ads, but Nirma probably tops the list. This tweet from MissMalini reminded me of a picture I had seen some time ago:


Every. Single. Day. That, or some variation of it.

Let’s not lie, we’re masters at asking the most obvious questions ever!

Okay, seriously, who the hell made up this rule and why am I still expected to follow it? I don’t even know the story behind this, but whenever I pick up a nail cutter after it’s dark out, someone or the other invariably suggests that I should wait till morning to trim my nails.

When I just moved to Mumbai and started taking the local trains, I was paranoid about my stuff getting stolen. I’d hold my bags close and pat my pockets every two seconds!

Also KETCHUP! I have yet to see anyone who is not Indian put ketchup on their pizza. I definitely do the chilli flakes thing myself, though.

Also known as: #YouKnowYoureSindhiWhen. (Don’t kill me, I’m Sindhi myself, I’m allowed to make these jokes…)

Alright, admit it. How many of you are guilty?! 😛