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CSAAM, Can You Hear That?

CSAAM, Can You Hear That?

Malini Agarwal

Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month – CSAAM – is an annual programme organised by a voluntary group of bloggers and social networkers in the month of April that aims to break the silence that surrounds this taboo topic in India. You’ve heard that sound, haven’t you?


Because parents, teachers and caregivers of children need to know about the signs to watch out for (signs of abuse, abuser and victim.)
Because victims needs to learn to cope.
Because the silence is deafening.

Look out for testimonials, live Twitter discussions with CSA activists and survivors like Harrish Iyer, Filmmaker Onir, Actor Sanjay Suri, therapists and counsellors Anuja Gupta, Suchismita Bose, Chandni Parekh and Dilnavaz Bamboat who work on CSA.

website: csaawarenessmonth.com
Twitter: @CSAawareness
Facebook: CSAMonthApril