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TREND ALERT: Pic Nic Pants

TREND ALERT: Pic Nic Pants

Zina Tasreen
Mario Balotelli (Photo courtesy| Kickette)

Confession time: I love footballers as much as the game itself, which means I


spend an awful lot of time, everyday, without fail, keeping up with all the


exciting stuff they get up to in their day-to-day lives. The by-product of this guilty pleasure is that I come across bril stuff sometimes, like the addicting Ai Se Eu Te Pego!, and other times, bizarre things like those dropped crotch sweatpants sported by the Man Citeh loooner Mario Balotelli. Called Pic Nic Pants, friends, these ridiculous-looking pants are in fact the newest craze in outdoor clothing.

Pic Nic Pants (Photo courtesy| Acquacalda)
Pic Nic Pants (Photo courtesy| Acquacalda)

The brainchild of an Italian design company called Acquacalda, Pic Nic Pants are basically denim parachute pants and in between the thighs are “wall-tech inserts” that spread out when sat cross-legged ‒ to serve as tabletops! That is, these pants “take advantage of the usual cross-legged position to become a comfortable surface useful for consumption of a meal outdoors.” And the thoughtfulness of the designfolks over at Acquacalda’s headquarters doesn’t end there. These pants have “orientable pockets” to… hold drinks! I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Oddly functional, methinks.

Pic Nic Pants (Photo courtesy| Acquacalda)

‘Tis is the season for picnics, so the all-important question I’m shooting your way is: would you, in the name of practical fashion, wear them?