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Snow White’s Item Number with Her 7 Dwarfs!

Snow White’s Item Number with Her 7 Dwarfs!

Sue Castellino
Snow White

There is a new item girl in the kingdom – Snow White. Last night I went to see the movie Mirror Mirror, which was hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing, even my very macho, manly guy friend couldn’t help himself and burst out laughing at the evil queen played by the incredible Julia Roberts. What was a complete surprise though was the item number at the end.

The director of the movie, Tarsem Singh probably wanted to pay homage to bollywood and included this delightful credits video at the end of the movie. It’s hilarious to see Lily Collins do bollywood steps to the song I believe in Love, she is really CUTE! You have to watch the movie and this song, beware though it will be stuck in your head.