I met the lovely Elton Fernandez at the info@eltonfernandez.com and read on for 10 myths that needed busting! xoxo

1) Moisturizer will make your face and makeup oily.

The truth is the ultimate finish of your makeup has more to do with the hydration your skin receives than your foundation and/or concealer! use an oil-free moisturizer before putting on makeup and discover how smoothly your foundation will glide over and blend into skin. powder down your T-zone after so the rest of your face still maintains a dewy realistic texture. I absolutely love Kiehls Ultra Facial Moisturizer!
2) You need concealer and then foundation to look flawless.

Nothing can make anyone look flawless because we don’t walk around with Photoshop and perfect lighting/cameras! Also, foundations and concealers come in a variety of textures and coverage. What this means is that foundation by itself can suffice to conceal dark circles and smoothen skin tone, without the use of concealer. Use concealers only if necessary.
3) Pick a foundation two shades lighter than your skin to appear fairer.

Er… this is rubbish! Ethnically, most Indians are born brown – embrace this truth. No matter how fair you may be, when you stand next to a white person, you’re still going to look brown! Instead of working against this fact, work with it. How do you pick the right shade? Simple: with your finger, draw a line of foundation on your cheek/jaw area… If it disappears it’s the right shade. If you have to rub it in to disappear, it’s the wrong colour. You can however brighten your overall complexion by using bright-colored blusher and lipsticks!
4) Eyebrows that grow close to each other slim down your face.

Absolutely false. This just looks ungroomed, ugly and drawn focus to your nose. Follow this simple chart to understand where your brows should begin, arch and end. Pluck away the in-betweens to open up your face and look brighter. If your brows are thick and jet-black, bleach them for 5 minutes or color them to a dark brown… you will see an immediate feminine softness!
5) Blusher should be applied in the hollows of the cheeks when you make a fish-face.

Only if you prefer looking like a hollow fish!
6) Red lipstick does not suit everyone.

This is also rubbish. I believe there is a red for everyone! Try bluish-reds as opposed to orangey-reds. If you aren’t in a bold mood, try a more conservative red stain or apply lipstick, and then kiss a tissue a couple times to lighten the impact; if you want to make a statement, fill your lips with red lip liner and liberally apply red lipstick over it.
7) Night makeup is heavier than day makeup.

Nah-uh! Not necessarily. Makeup is makeup – night or day. Some women like red lips and kajal in the day, some like colored eyeliner and pale lips at night. Wear what your mood dictates, and be event appropriate. Use common sense. For example, you wouldn’t wear red lips to a funeral just like you wouldn’t go bare-eyes to an Indian wedding!
Never pump your mascara wand in and out of the tube.

This is actually true. Pumping the wand only introduces more air into the tube and dries out the mascara, and breeds bacteria. Instead, churn the wand inside the tube and opal out gently. Do NOT scrape the wand on the rim of the tube either. scrape it on a clean tissue if you intend on using minimal mascara. Never share your mascara either!
9) ‘Cutting’ or contouring is necessary.

Completely false. If you already have string bone structure, you do not need to contour at all. If you have a sharp/big nose, don’t contour it. To contour is to add shade and define shape. Under the cheekbones is the perfect place to catch some shade. If your want to, shade the perimeter of your entire face with a warm bronzer to define shape.
10) Makeup causes pimples.

Want the truth? Makeup does not cause pimples, poor hygiene does. Here’s the list: do not wet your makeup. Sweaty sponges/dirty brushes breed bacteria. Wash and dry them thoroughly every couple uses. Keep skin hydrated inside-out by drinking lotsa water, exfoliating and moisturizing. Always, and I mean ALWAYS take off all your makeup before going to bed. When you sleep, is when your skin does all its homework.
website: www.eltonfernandez.com
Thank you for reminding everyone that brown is beautiful Elton! In your face fairness creams, I 100% agree 🙂 xoxo