Leighton Meester At The 5th Annual Dkms Gala (Photo Courtesy | ©ImageCollect.com/StarMaxWorldwide)
Leighton Meester At The 5th Annual Dkms Gala (Photo Courtesy | ©ImageCollect.com/StarMaxWorldwide)

Relax! Gossip Girl fans! Leighton Meester is not leaving the show, but in fact… the show is leaving us. After next season there will be no more GG! What are we Gossip Girl fans going to do?!

Could there be a movie in the works?!

“Blair” confirms there is no movie on the cards as far as she knows. The producers of the show have not mentioned anything to her about it. Would you be excited for a Gossip Girl movie? Post your comments below!

PS. Did you pick who you prefer with Blair yet, Chuck or Dan?