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Is Robert Pattinson Dating Already?

Is Robert Pattinson Dating Already?

Malini Agarwal
Kat Perry and Robert Pattinson

Did someone say Katy Perry? But so far Robert Pattinson appears to be licking his wounds over drinks with random strangers! A spy off Perez Hilton says, “He went out for drinks with a woman staying in his hotel and he told her it was ‘ridiculous’ he had nobody to talk to. He’s been spending most of his days off playing computer games.”

Rupert Sanders and Liberty Ross

Meanwhile back at the Sanders’ residence Liberty Ross is giving her cheater a second chance and “accepts it was just one of those silly flirtations.” Yikes, crazy how the married couple are taking this better than the daters, go figure! I guess Vampires are just emo like that…

Back to Katy Perry though, I saw her on an episode of the Graham Norton show and thought she was the sweetest, and she’s been through a roller coaster relationship herself dontcya think?

PS. Maybe someone should show Edward this video, she looks like a hot Vampire and he can probably relate!