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Kutcher Watch: Spotted at Delhi NGO – Apne Aap

Kutcher Watch: Spotted at Delhi NGO – Apne Aap

Rashmi Daryanani
Ashton Kutcher and the girls at Apne Aap

India definitely seems to have a little Ashton Kutcher fever since he arrived a few days ago to shoot his upcoming Steve Jobs biopic. He was first spotted walking around Old Delhi near Jama Masjid, and today he tweeted a (now beardless) picture of himself with the girls at Apne Aap. Here’s what he said.


According to their website: “Apne Aap was founded by twenty-two women from Mumbai’s red light district with a vision of a world where no woman can be bought or sold. Though all of the twenty-two founding women have since passed away from hunger, suicide, and AIDS-related complications, Apne Aap’s work continues. Self-empowerment groups across the country meet at Apne Aap community centers, safe spaces where women and girls can gather, access education, improve their livelihood and receive legal rights training.”