Hello happy people… 🙂

As most of you know (if you’ve been reading my blogs) I end up doing a fair amount of partying myself along with MissMalini… and when I got pregnant again all my friends actually started wondering where I disappeared to, till I could break the news! In fact we had a small get together and told a few of our closest friends (by which time I think most of them had guessed already!) I guess my friends know me pretty well eh? *lol*

if I didn’t get this tired or need the rest chances are I’d still be out partying till the wee hours of the morning and I must confess I still do it from time to time… within reason of course!

Here’s a peak at all my fun girlie nights, clubbing, Page 3 events, fashion shows, brunches and dinners *phew* a party mama’s work is never done! But have a look, I’ve been getting bigger obviously!

…and it’s soo difficult to find any clothes that fit and look right! Maybe you can play fashion police and tell me which of my pregnancy looks suit me best? More soon!