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MissMalini Contest: WIN a Gift Hamper from Yes2Fashion

MissMalini Contest: WIN a Gift Hamper from Yes2Fashion

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Q: Which accessory complements your mood perfectly, and why? Please post your answer in the comments below (also specify your city).

We’ve all got those crazy mood swings – sometimes sad, sometimes chirpy; sometimes gloomy, sometimes flirty… whatever it is, don’t we all love to dress up? Now we’re giving you a chance to match your accessories with your mood – all you have to do is let us know what mood you’re in currently, which of the accessories below complements it perfectly and why! If we like your answer, we’ll send a gift hamper from Yes2Fashion.com your way!

Be Flirty
Beat the Blues
Cool Chick
Happy go Chirpy
Lovey Dovey
Be Naughty