Exciting times! Today RedBull Athlete, Felix Baumgartner creates history by jumping from the stratosphere while we watch LIVE on History TV 18 (or the live stream on www.redbullstratos.com) 9th October 2012 around 5pm IST. You can also watch Felix Baumgartner jump from the edge of space, LIVE at all Manchester United Café Bars.

Red Bull Stratos is a mission to overcome human limits and ascend to 120,000 feet in a stratospheric balloon and make a free fall jump rushing towards earth at supersonic speeds before parachuting to the ground. The team of experts who built this unique technology includes retired United States Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger, who holds three of the records that Felix will try to break. Joe’s record jump was from 102,800 ft. in 1960.

During his test jump, Felix has already set a world record by successfully jumping from 18 miles/29 kilometres above the Earth 97,145 feet / 29,610 meters. Don’t forget to tune into History TV 18 or In.com today, 9th October, at approx. 5:00 pm IST.
Follow their updates on Facebook – Red Bull Stratos Mission – Live!