Rocky S. is one of the country’s top film stylists and designers. Known for his “glamour with an edge” looks with actors like John Abraham, Bipasha Basu and Katrina Kaif, Rocky S, on his own stands strong. So what did he say when we shot him our 20 questions? Among stylists, Rocky manages to be relevant with his simple yet attention-grabbing signature style. On set, Rocky has always been calm and sure of what needs to be done, yet he keeps the environment fun and fluffy. Despite his impressive portfolio of stylized films, Rocky is grounded, and hanging around him, one never finds a dull moment.

Team MissMalini: Who is Rocky S?
Rocky S: I’m a simple down to earth person who loves his work and is passionate towards creating.
TMM: Tell us something about the first day on the set. In 3 words and why?
R: Nervous… excited and enthusiastic. The words themselves are self-explanatory.
TMM: Does Rocky S have a signature style that he loves bringing to a film?
R: Comfort with style, all the way. That has always been my signature style.
TMM: If you have to pick a fashion destination in India, where would it be?
R: Right here! In Mumbai!

TMM: What was your first solo feature film project?
R: I started with styling Akshay Kumar‘s movies as solo project.
TMM: How many films have you styled, since then?
R: (Counting..counting…counting…) 350 films!
TMM: A film that stands out in your mind, maybe because you enjoyed the experience, or the looks were exciting or challenging?
R: Krish was a good experience. Styling a superhero film has its own kick.

TMM: Your most loved aspect about styling films?
R: I would have to say experimenting with different characters. Each has their own personality and then to transcend it to the characters they portray, it’s a ride in itself.
TMM: In Marigold and Goal, you styled the lead actors as well as the entire cast. Sounds mammoth, how did you execute that?
R: Yes! As hectic as it was, at the same time it turned into a memorable experience. It is always a challenge to manage the main leads and the cast, but giving one’s best in a project results in getting the best from it.

TMM: Sometimes on set, mistakes happen and garments get damaged, name one actor or actress you can’t ever get mad at for doing that?
R: Hmmm, tough no? Shoots are stressful as it is. Garments getting damaged is added stress. But there’s no use in wasting time on getting worked up. So, no one as such.. and even if it happens… I would not get ‘mad’ at any one.
TMM: One thing on set you can’t do with out…
R: My phone!!!
TMM: One phrase you always find yourself repeating?
R: None as such.
TMM: How about, “where’s my diet cola?”
R. Be quiet!

TMM: One Bollywood trend that you think has reached its shelf life…
R: Trends keep coming. It changes with time… and has innovations in every era. What is relevant now, might seem ridiculous tomorrow and comes back, re-invented in the future. So can’t really single one out.
TMM: How do you define Bollywood trends (styling wise) and where is it headed?
R. To take off from what I said in the previous question, Bollywood styling has always been going through changes and gradations. In recent times, actors have become more conscious about what they wear, how they dress up and what brands to try on. It’s going international for sure.TMM: Is there anything you would change in your work? Or something you wish you had enhanced?R: I am happy and content with the way I work and the team I have. All I would wish is to be inspired to achieve the best in my work always!

TMM: One actor or actress who you haven’t worked with, but would love to.
R: Julia Roberts.
TMM: Your best fix-it tip for the budding stylist…
R: Keep it simple yet stylish… do not try to “over-do” in any aspect. Be passionate and follow your passion.

TMM: Recent projects?
R: Bipasha Basu‘s upcoming movie Aatma… It’s Shilpa Shetty‘s home production.
TMM: You’ve touched the kids-wear, pret, bridal, films, ads and perfume markets, what’s next?
R: There is still a lot more to offer but too early to be disclosed.
TMM: one fellow stylist whose work you love or respect?
R: Anaita Shroff

Rocky S is currently in London, where he answered these 20 questions from and tweeted this picture of himself! The man knows how to have fun while working like a maniac. We look forward to his future projects and till then, we wish him all the love and luck.
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