This is going to be a good one peeps! Quentin Tarantino‘s new film, Djanga Unchained, is set in the deep South of the U.S. a few years before the Civil War.
The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Christoph Waltz (who you may remember as the notorious Col. Hans Landa from Tarantino’s last film, Inglourious Basterds).

The plot follows a slave, Django (Foxx), as he tracks down ruthless killers alongside the German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz (Waltz). The unlikely partnership leads to Django winning his freedom, thus allowing him to search for his wife Broomhilda (Washington), who is being held by Calvin Candie (DiCaprio), a charming, yet ruthless slave owner.
The film is set to be released on Christmas Day this year in the U.S. & Canada, and early 2013 in India by Sony Pictures.