Trust a Diageo Brand Ambassador to come up with a deliciously devilish cocktail for Halloween before you can say boo! Here’s a recipe Tim suggested for my Halloween party, feel free to use it for yours too! xoxo

Here’s a little recipe for you for Blood Punch for your Halloween party:
750ml Fresh pomegranate juice
150ml Freshly squeezed lime juice
6 cans of Ginger Beer
750ml CIROC vodka (or any vodka)
Mix all the ingredients in a giant bowl and set to one side. Fill another bowl with ice cubes with a pair of tongs and glasses on the table so people can help themselves and you’re free to party. Throw in some pomegranate seeds that might make it look like teeth or blood clots.

If you want to make it a little more spooky then order some dry ice, put it in some cheese cloth (or an old tight) and drop it in the punch. It’ll start bubbling and smoking. Becareful tho as Dry Ice is very dangerous to ingest so don’t drop it into the punch on its own.