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What is Grounding? Techniques for Grounding.

What is Grounding? Techniques for Grounding.

Channelized by Tamanna C.

Any time you feel spaced out or disoriented it’s a good idea to “ground” and center yourself. The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the Earth. Even when you wish to astral travel or meditate you will find that beginning from being grounded will help you with inner focus.

Whatever your beliefs are this simple practice can make a huge difference in your life. There are many techniques for grounding and it’s wise to look for those that work best for you. The essence of most methods is to relax and visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam into the earth from your root chakra (at the tailbone) and allowing it to reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth and return excess energy down the cord.The energy you send down the cord that is not your own is cleansed and used by the earth. Your own energy is cleansed and returned to you. there are spirit beings that thrive on clearing negative energy.

aura cleansing

A classic form of grounding is to imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet and spinal column or central energy channel.  ome Traditions strongly prefer that you ground from the spinal center and not from the feet. I follow the tradition of asking the Earth for permission and thanking her for her healing energy.

The visualization I most often use, when I use one, starts with dropping a cord of light from the heart, and or solar plexus, straight down the spinal channel to the center of the Earth. Or calling up a cord from the Earth center, which some people find easier, and then flowing it up to the spiritual center (sometimes going through the Sun). I then expand it to be a tube, encompassing my entire basic aura. There are dozens of different techniques and meditations for grounding and centering because these practices are a vital part of our personal well being.


grounding technique

You can start grounding by sitting on the chair or on the floor with feet or palms on the ground. as you close your eyes affirm,

I am willing to release all the grey energies, pain, negativity, anger, stress, extra emotional energies and insecurities, blocks and fears.

Let the energy flow into the centre of mother earth for as long as you want, 2-3-5 minutes. once you feel complete with the flow of energy. Visualise yourself being filled with white light from head to toe and cover yourself in white light bubble. affirm,

Dear God, please fill me up with divine love, light and protection throughout the day and let me retain as much as energy as I need for today.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments below.