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Beauty School: Winter Care 101

Beauty School: Winter Care 101

Karen Alfonso
Winter Beauty Care

It’s December and that can only mean one thing! Your skin becomes dry and flaky. Your lips get chapped thanks to the change in weather. Plus your hands become rough in the dry air.

But if you follow these 5 beauty commandments, this may soon be a problem of the past!

1) Moisturise Moisturise!

Moisturise (photo courtesy | skin-on.com)

That’s commandment number 1 and completely non negotiable. Since the moisture gets sapped out from your  skin due to the low temperatures you need to supplement it with a heavy duty moisturiser. The best time to do it? Post a shower/bath when your pores are open – the skin absorbs it much better.

2) Wear SPF

Sunscreen (photo courtesy | http://www.tienphong.vn)

Sunscreen isn’t just limited to summers. Harmful UV rays are equally bad during the winters too. So it’s best not to omit that SPF bottle. Slather it on before you step out of the house.

3) Don’t Take Too Hot Showers

Shower (photo courtesy | perfectcleaningblogspot.com)

I’ll be the first to admit that hot showers really hit the spot especially in cooler months. But that is in fact the worst mistake you could possibly make. Hot showers dry your skin considerably – instead try limiting your shower time and set your temperature to lukewarm.

4) Use Blush Liberally


Take it from me, blush instantly makes you feel better. If you want to cheat a fresh-from-the-snow-look just dab on some blush and you’re good to go.

5) Don’t Neglect Your Lips

Red Lips

Your lips are prone to chapping hence it’s best to exfoliate them regularly and stash lip balm in your bag. Keeps those lips moisturized so they can look their puckered best all season long!

Do you have any other winter care tips to share?

MissMalini Recommends:

Lakme Sunscreen
Lakme Absolute Baked blush
Lakme Fruit Moisture Peach Milk Moisturiser
Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips