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Watch: Ram Kapoor Does The Harlem Shake!

Watch: Ram Kapoor Does The Harlem Shake!

Rashmi Daryanani
Ram Kapoor

So I was just scrolling through my phone while in a Mumbai local this morning, when I noticed I had an e-mail with the subject line: “Ram Kapoor does the Harlem Shake.” You better believe I raced to office at record speed just so I could pull out my laptop and watch this video. It turns out that yesterday, while at a cast & crew screening for Mere Dad Ki Maruti, Ram entered wearing a turban and broke into the Harlem Shake, surprising many people in the audience. There’s a video you guys, so get ready for this!

Ah, Ram Kapoor. I really don’t like your TV show but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a soft spot for you…