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What Has Amitabh Bachchan Done?

What Has Amitabh Bachchan Done?

Rashmi Daryanani
Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan returned from Cannes last night and was greeted at the airport by a huge crowd, media included – or “respectful” media, as he was quick to specify. As per his tweet, he thinks that’s strange and doesn’t happen normally!

Amitabh Bachchan

Now I’m still trying to figure out whether he means the large crowd was odd or the fact that they were respectful was odd, but I’m gonna go ahead and assume Big B is no stranger to crowds so must be the latter 🙂 In any case, he’s now trying to figure out what he’s done to deserve this, so what are your guesses?

Also, how cute is this? Big B apparently waved to his fans as he flew across several countries!


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