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My Gym: Session 2

My Gym: Session 2

Home With Heena
Veda Enjoying My Gym Swings

As with all gyms, the secret to results is dedicated attendance.   My Gym Children’s Fitness Center does a great job of maintaining routine without letting it get boring. For our second visit, the entire set up was different. They had created different obstacles and rearranged all their equipment.

My Gym Set Up

As last time, we started the class with free playtime and warm up.   I think the free playtime is important for the babies to get comfortable with the staff and their surroundings.  The warm up and stretching is the most like a standard gym workout.  By repeating the same movements each class, Veda is loosening up and strengthening her muscles.

Play Time
Friendly Staff

After the workout, we did some singing and dancing to lighten the mood.  And again, allowed Veda to go explore the space on her own.

Walking exercise

The activities set up for this class included a crawling maze, handle bars and an incline bench.  Veda was a bit hesitant with the handlebars and crawling thru the cylinders, but she had fun exploring the maze.  The staff also helped her try to walk/crawl up the incline but she was too distracted to really succeed. Maybe next time!

Crawling Rings
Hanging Handle Bars
Incline Bench

Then it was time for Veda’s favorite activity, the swings!  She never gets tired of this and getting her off is always a struggle. 😉  My Gym had also set up a “fire truck” swing.   I think Veda found this really soothing. She lay on her stomach and just stared quietly at everything around her.

So much fun!
Fire Truck Swing

Sticking with routine, it was then again time to wind down with circle time.  The babies gathered for their puppet show and goodbye song.  This time we had different puppets and a new song.  Veda really loves trying to grab the puppets.

Puppet Show

Developmentally, it’s hard to notice too much improvement after only 2 sessions.  Though she was much come comfortable during this session and more adventurous in exploring on her own.  As with last time, she came home exhausted and had a nice long nap (and I could have some me time! ;).

I wanted to correct myself from the last post.  There are actually 2 structured classes per week (not 1) and 5 other practice and play session.   For class schedules and further information, please visit My Gym.