Any kind of hair care first begins with a professional diagnosis of the scalp and hair by a hair care professional. Once you have understood your hair type and the issues related to it, you need to break it down into a proper care regime…
Remember to first consult your stylist before getting on to the product bandwagon cause you could buy an extremely expensive and great product that is simply not meant for you and all it will do is leave a large hole in your wallet.

The monsoons are particularly awful for your hair. The two reasons being: rise in humidity levels and the wetness in the air.
Some people may notice acute hair fall during this period, don’t fret it will eventually subside. It could be due to various weather induced factors so there is nothing you can do about it. If it still persist consult a trichologist.

Wash your hair as often as necessary. Don’t believe people who tell you not to wash your hair often. Your hair generally will tell you when it needs a wash and if it means washing it everyday – go for it. Ensure you use products that are mild though, low in sulphates sodium and paraben and you’re good to go. Keeping the hair clean is NOT a bad thing though don’t over do it.

Keep your hair away from rain water though, people who tell you it’s the purist form of water in today’s day and age are grossly mistaken. In fact that’s far from the truth especially the early seasonal showers. Keep your hair as dry as possible. The monsoons are heaven for bacterial scalp disorders as the wetness in the air feeds these bacteria enabling them to multiply.
So this monsoon, keep your style simple and styling free. There is truly no point in slave driving your crowing glory with heat styling as it will not last you more than a couple of minutes. So find new and innovate ways of accessorising those tresses with a messy tie up or a clean chignon. Rule of thumb – “keep it simple.”

Also keep your hair away from the face, you don’t want a sudden burst of acne to dampen your spirits…
For dry unruly curly hair use a water based leave in. You may initially feel it’s not working but remember you’re trying to fight nature here so baby steps! and you will achieve what you’re looking for! Get a hair spa to nourish those tresses and exfoliate the scalp of all residue.

Finally pour yourself a beverage of choice, sit back curl up and enjoy the weather… I mean if you can’t beat em join em… right?

Try these Smashhing Spa therapies available this monsoon at Smassh:
Tailor-made Moroccan Oil spas to beat the monsoon or Keratine anti-frizz treatment for the humidity.
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35 Dr. Ambedkar Rd.
Khar (West)
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Pix: Khyati Gandhi for MissMalini