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5 Reasons Every Girl Wants to Be Deepika Padukone

5 Reasons Every Girl Wants to Be Deepika Padukone

Rashmi Daryanani
Deepika Padukone

Deepika Padukone is one of those girls – those flawless, ethereal types where you know it would be so easy to hate (read: be jealous of) her, except for the fact that you want to love her instead. In fact, she’s one of those ladies that every girl has a girl crush on, mostly because everyone just wants to be her. (Case-in-point: I bought glasses from the same brand she endorses just because I saw her wearing similar ones in an ad. Also, I figured I may as well cross something off my “How to Be Deepika Padukone” list. Yes, I have such a list. Don’t judge.)

Since she celebrated her 28th birthday yesterday – the 5th of January – I’m listing for you five reasons why everyone wants to be Deepika Padukone!

1. She’s got a fantastic body

Deepika Padukone

There’s no doubt that Deepika has one of the most enviable bodies in the industry. It’s perhaps the sportswoman in her, but she always manages to look fit instead of simply ‘skinny’, which is something we really appreciate her for.

2. She always dresses well

Deepika Padukone

If her body weren’t reason enough to want to be her, Deepika also has one of the best stylists (Anaita Shroff Adajania) in the business. It’s no surprise, then, that she nails her looks practically every time that she steps out. The best part is that she can wear anything from a bikini to a dress to a sari and look equally good in them all. What we wouldn’t give to look so well put together at every event!

3. She has perfectly arched eyebrows

Deepika Padukone

There’s a quote that says, “Never take life advice from a girl with bad eyebrows.” If the reverse were true, I’d be basing all my life’s decisions on what Deepika Padukone says.

4. She’s graceful

Deepika Padukone

Probably the number one thing I want to learn from Deepika, though, is how she manages to have such great posture. Her back is so straight, I’m convinced if it gets any straighter, she’d be bending over backwards.

5. She’s attained success – by working for it

Deepika Padukone

The best part, though, is that while Deepika has a lot to be envious of looks-wise, she’s not just a pretty face. She’s come out on top in 2013 with the most number of hits to her name, and with some truly fantastic performances that have won over even some of her harshest critics. For that reason, and so much more, we’ve got a lot of respect for this lady.

Psst! MissMalini reader Stuti Bhattacharya wrote in with this comment, and we loved it so much we had to put it up here:

“I think more than all those reasons, what I love about her is how she stands tall with this air of self-sufficiency, like she does not need a man to make her seem complete. That statuesque confidence and aura of being complete in herself is so damn attractive! Esp. because it shows that we no longer live in a world where damsels in distress are glorified and found attractive.”

Here’s hoping that Deepika has a 2014 that’s as great as 2013 was! Happy belated birthday, DPad!