Congratulations Surbhi, Arshna Shah, TJ and Anita! You have won a signed copy of ‘Things Your Mother Never Told You About Love’ by Juhi Pande.

What a grand old time we had today talking love, awkward teen years and doling out love gyan, to those of you who asked! Why? Because Juhi Pande has written a book – Things Your Mother Never Told You About Love and her pals Shruti Seth and VJ Manish Anand came to give her props (and you advice!)
Its a super fun read, the kind that will leave you smiling (with potential for moments where you laugh so hard you snort whatever beverage you’re drinking up your nose! Be warned. It could happen to you.) And it tells the (true) story of a beautiful awkward girl (aka unicorn) in a not-so-perfect world with tips on how she found her knight-in-shining and oodles of hope for everyone else.

It’s out this Valentine’s Day and available for pre-order on flipkart. Now watch our hangout and tell me some Things Your Mother Never Told You About Love in the comments below to win autographed copies, hurry up! xoxo

Juhi Pande: “I had a great base to stand on [while writing this book]. Basically, all my awkward years growing up and how I used to be in love pretty much every week with so many different people. And nobody used to like me back!”
Shruti Seth: “Juhi writes exactly how she speaks. It’s like hanging out with her and listening to her give you gyaan.”
Manish Anand: “When Juhi said she was writing a book, I wasn’t surprised. All her life experiences were constantly and consistently being told to the people close to her. But when she first told me the title of the book, I was like, it’s going to be a chick book!”
Shruti Seth: “Juhi is trying to be this modest girl like, look at me I’m so starved for attention. She has so many men chasing after her, and she knows exactly how to spin them on their heads.”

Shruti Seth: “This book gives no insight about women. We refuse to let ourselves be figured out.”
Shruti Seth: “The heart wants what the heart wants.”
Juhi Pande: “I was awkward, I had self-esteem issues. If someone cheated on me, I didn’t know how to handle it. It destroyed me completely. I’m sure it destroys everyone else, and I don’t understand the concept of cheating so it completely baffles me whether it happens to me or someone else.”
Manish Anand: “Sex is a really, really important part of love.”

Juhi Pande: “My inspiration has been friends and family who helped me write this book. They were my support system.”
Manish Anand: “My mother never told me a guy could never fall in love. Growing up, most boys think of love as more physical than emotional. So I felt that. The other thing my mother did tell me is that love is pure and unconditional, and if you do feel a certain amount of love for someone, it’s the best feeling in the world.”
Juhi Pande: “I plan to keep writing. I’ll do television as and when it comes my way, but I’ll keep writing. I don’t know if I’ll write about love, because this is exhausting, but I’ll keep writing.”

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Pix Khyati Gandhi for MissMalini