Track Drops is a daily dose of 2 songs from 2 people who are extremely enthusiastic about everything to do with music. There are no limitations in terms of time or genre – everything goes. So who better to ask for a list of 10 songs you simply MUST hear before you die? That’s what I figured, so here you go! Love MM, xoxo

We started the blog because Vikram Ramchandani (Nika) and I – Steve Abraham (Punkflop), have always been music listeners who border on being fanatics, and all our conversations in the past have always revolved around music that we felt strongly about. So, we figured why not take that conversation online and see if we could share our enthusiasm for music we loved with other people as well!
1. Deftones : Digital Bath
Digital bath is easily my favorite song by my all time favorite band. Apparently, the title is a reference to the songwriter electrocuting his girlfriend in the bath. Go figure. But it is a beautiful song, with a powerhouse of a chorus, as the vocalist belts out my favorite lyrics, “I feel like more.”
2. Marcy Playground : All The Lights Went Out
A love song doesn’t necessarily have to be soft and quiet. To me, this is the ultimate love song, especially once you read the lyrics to understand what the title means.
“She came in from stormy weather
And asked her friend to be there with her
When she slid down Cupid’s bow
Oh lookin’ fine that day
I had a dream that we were lovers
I had a joke and she would smile when I’d say
We could blow
Blow a fuse in heaven
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well today
All the lights went out in heaven
Yeah today
All the lights went out in heaven
And I knew that she was all
All that I needed
Yeah, yeah,
Cause today
All the lights went out in heaven
Yeah today
All the lights went out in heaven
And I knew that we were doomed
Doomed to love each other”
3. Two Door Cinema Club : Something Good Can Work (RAC Remix)
I am yet to meet a human being who does not fall head over heels for this remix. It never fails to work as a pick-me-up. This would easily be the last song I would dance to.
4. Radiohead : House of Cards
I fell in love with Radiohead when my brother let me borrow ‘The Bends’ from him. But it was when I heard this song for the first time, that I started to understand the obsession of following a band like Radiohead. Dreams are made of songs like ‘House of Cards’.
5. Broken Social Scene : All to All
Broken Social Scene is the band that got me hooked to my favorite genre of music – Indie. I cannot imagine my last drive without playing ‘All to All’ on maximum volume.
6. Cannonball Adderley : Autumn leaves
I grew up on Jazz thanks to my father, so it stands to reason that there would be a day when a Jazz song would stop me dead in my tracks, and all the music I heard as a child would suddenly all make sense. ‘Autumn Leaves’ is that song. It is an unseen link between my father and me that goes beyond blood, and that for me makes this song very special.
7. Hey Mercedes : Eleven to Your Seven
If there is one song that makes my hair stand on end, it’s ‘Eleven to your Seven’. Maybe because it got me through the tough, awkward times of growing into an adult. So hey, the least I can do is let this be one of the last songs I listen to.
8. Weezer : Say it Ain’t So
If someone ever asks me, “Which song best represents your generation?”, I would reply ‘’Say It Ain’t So’’ without hesitation. Forget everything that Weezer has written in recent years. This song is still a force of nature, 20 years later. There is no better way to exit this world than by belting out this chorus to the end.
9. The Sons (feat. Bret Reilly) : Too Much of a Good Thing
I probably had the worst taste in music when I was a kid. But then this song came along. And for the first time, I stopped to actually listen to the music and felt a sense of appreciation for good song writing. One last time, I would like to be reminded on how I got into music in the first place.
10. Queens of the Stone Age : In the Fade
I think the lyrics to this song say it all. My last drink would be enjoyed with this song blaring in the background.
“Cracks in the ceiling, crooked pictures in the heart
Countin and breathin, I’m leaving here tomorrow
They don’t know, I’d never do you any good
Laughin is easy, I would if I could
Ain’t gonna worry
Just live till you die, wanna drown
With nowhere to fall into the arms of someone
There’s nothing to save I know
You live till you die
Live till you die, I know
Losing a feelin’, that I couldn’t give away
Countin and breathin, disappearin in the fade
They don’t know, I’d never do you any good
Stoppin and stayin, I would if I could
Ain’t gonna worry
Just live till you die, wanna drown
With nowhere to fall into the arms of someone
There’s nothing to save I know
You live till you die”
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