MissMalini and Rahul Bose will be talking about The Idea of India and all things Bollywood in an exclusive Google+ Hangout. Stay tuned because we’ll be live at 4pm RIGHT HERE so you can catch all the action while it’s happening! And make sure you tweet questions to @MissMalini with the hashtag #MissMaliniHangouts during the course of the Hangout, so that Rahul can answer them all live!
Psst can’t view the video? Watch it on YouTube or read our live updates below.
Live updates start here:

Rahul Bose: “My feeling at the moment is that the idea of India that we grew up learning about is hanging by a thread. There are large parts of India that are divorced from that idea. There are many people in this country who don’t have the same rights as we do. So I thought, as a response to this, who could I look at? Who would exalt this idea of India? I drew up a list of 16.”

“If you forced me to pick – on pain of death or listening to Britney Spears for the next 20 years – then I’d choose direction. If you told me I could do only one thing for the rest of my life, I’d direct. It has exhausted me the most and given me the greatest feeling of reward. When someone walks up to you in some strange city in the world and says, ‘This film spoke to me,’ that’s the greatest compliment.”

“One dream for 2014? A hair transplant!”
“I’m going to be directing a new film. It’s a type of move that India hasn’t seen before. It’s a mad, but beautiful idea. I’ve already got half the money of the film, even though I’ve written less than half of it!”
Two things Rahul Bose would tackle if he were the Prime Minister of India: “Equal opportunities for women and something about communal harmony.”
On what Rahul would put up for auction of his: “The script of Mr & Mrs Iyer!”