Every morning, I check my email for news and updates from Bollywood. Once in a while, a reader will write in with a query or some fun information. But the email MissMalini forwarded me this morning had me in splits.

A male reader wants to join film school and not just any film school, The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, the Mecca of method acting schools. And yes, Ranbir Kapoor went to this school. Interestingly, our reader would like Katrina Kaif, preferably, to write the recommendation. If she’s not available, other top actors or Bollywood links will do.
Sure, let me just check my schedule. And unfortunately, I don’t have time for film school recommendations. Can I interest you in a cookie instead or does that too have to come from a Bollywood link? Hahahahaha we wish we could help you dear reader, but we’re gonna have to pass.