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5 Social Media Secrets You Should Know!

5 Social Media Secrets You Should Know!

Malini Agarwal
MissMalini is #geekchic

I’m addicted to social media and I’ll be the first to admit it, but I also pride myself on doing heaps of research online about what works, what doesn’t and what rules of e-etiquette we should ALL be following. So here’s a crash course that should help you get started and hopefully give your social media numbers a healthy little boost! Much love to my fellow #geekchic! xoxo

1. The ideal length of a tweet is 100 characters. (Leave 40 for your friends!) Why? Because these “medium-length” tweets have enough words for the tweeter to have said something meaningful and for the person retweeting it to add their own little commentary as well. PS. The perfect Facebook post is 40 characters long. (That’s 1/3 a tweet.)

courtesy: blog.bufferapp.com

2. Link your Instagram and Twitter accounts so you don’t lose mentions!
Wait what? Basically this means that unless you synch your own Instagram & Twitter accounts together, when people tag your handle on their Instagrams the @ won’t show up on Twitter. So even if you are using different names on both platforms hit the link button so your handle gets tagged automatically! Options > Linked Accounts > Twitter

Instagram & Twitter

3. Use a full stop before you reply.
Twitter filters ensures that tweets that start with @ only get seen by people following both handles. But by starting your reply with a period it will be viewed as a separate tweet and will be seen by ALL of your followers. This is the one grammar rule I’m encouraging you to go ahead and break!

Creepy much?

4. Don’t Beg for shares on Facebook!
Apparently Facebook has adjusted their algorithm to hide posts that ask for “Shares” or “Likes”. So let your content speak for itself. If it’s good, it’ll get shared, ask for favours within reason 🙂

5. Social Media Is Your Friend 🙂
When you make videos tag @YouTubeIndia and #YTPicks you might get picked up and featured on their pages. Also successful channels have a consistent upload schedule, even IISuperwomanII tells you to tune in every Monday & Thursday for new videos 🙂