So this little email just landed in my mailbox just now, reminding me that – Whoa! Apparently I started my blog MissMalini.com 6 years ago, TODAY! I can’t believe the ride it’s been and I’m even more excited about where it’s going. There are SO many people that have made all my dreams come true with their incredible love, support & belief that I sometimes cannot BELIEVE how blessed I am to have you all in my life. (And it just goes to show that with positive energy like that coming at you in droves, you simply cannot fail!) Special props to my pal Karan Wadhera who first planted the “blogger” seed and to my partners-in-crime (and life!) Nowshad Rizwanullah & Mike Melli – mad love & respect for putting up with my constant insanity! And finally thank YOU team awesome for making coming to work every day an utter laugh-out-loud delight. We’re going #tothemoon baby! <3 xoxo
PS. I feel like we should all have some kind of celebratory drink tonight 🙂 send me #clinkclink on Twitter if you’re with me!