Here’s the thing – I love Snapchat, and have managed to turn a bunch of my friends into regular users. However, Team MissMalini is proving a lot more difficult – especially MissMalini, who keeps saying that she doesn’t get the point of using Snapchat! So for her sake – and because I need a lot more people on my list to share selfies with – I’m listing down 10 reasons why Snapchat is amazing. Read on if you’re still flirting with the idea of joining Snapchat – or send the link to those people in your life who scoff at it!
P.S. – You may notice that I left out sexting as one of the points. That’s because it pretty much goes without saying, don’t you think? 😛
1. It’s a lot simpler

One of the first arguments you hear against Snapchat is that it’s sort of pointless, in that you could use WhatsApp – or your preferred messaging platform – to send pictures instead. But Snapchat is just a lot easier and much more fuss-free than taking a picture in your camera application and then sharing it – especially if you want to send the same picture to multiple people. You can add text in-app, instead of opening your picture in a separate editing application. It’s the kind of thing you wouldn’t realise until you’re actually using it.
2. You get to choose who you share it with

Sure, every social media platform has its own set of privacy settings, but Snapchat is definitely the most private since you literally select who you want to send your photos to – whether it be one person or everyone on your friends list.
3. The filters are awesome

True story: I now find myself taking pictures using the Snapchat camera, applying one of their filters, saving the picture and then uploading that to Instagram without any other filter. They only have two coloured filters, but both of them are so good that I wish they were in-built on Instagram so I could use them for photos that I haven’t taken in Snapchat.
4. The camera doesn’t flip your face

You know what it’s like when you take a selfie using your phone’s camera – the image comes out flipped from the one you can actually see on screen while taking it. Snapchat doesn’t do that, though, so it’s now become my default “selfie” camera – even when I don’t want to send a selfie as a Snapchat (what am I saying… I always want to send a selfie as a Snapchat), I use the app to take the photo and save it to my gallery.
5. You choose what you want to save

Yes, we know everyone can screenshot Snapchats, so that obviously means you’ll take some measure of care before sending out whatever picture you want to. However, the fact that there’s a timer and the pictures don’t automatically get saved means that Snapchat is great for all those inane pictures that no one will want to keep anyway – like what you’re eating for lunch or what shoes you’re wearing today. Sending these pictures via WhatsApp will eventually mean a photos folder clogged with selfies, for example, which you’ll then have to go through and clear. With Snapchat, though, you can just screenshot the ones you do what to save, and let the rest go.
6. Sometimes you need visual proof that you’re drunk

The best part about Snapchat? Drunken pictures. My favourite hobby is taking screenshots of drunken Snapchats and then sending the picture back the next morning to whoever sent it in the first place. The results are always funny, especially since they often don’t remember what they sent in the first place.
7. You can show off your artistic abilities

Who said Snapchat is only for photos? Take a picture of a blank background and go nuts drawing. Sketch your food instead of sending a picture. Play visual antakshari, if you want. Or take a photo of someone’s face and doodle over it. It’s fun – especially if you’re rather jobless.
8. You get to say good morning in a whole new way

I am guilty of sending Snapchat selfies (from the local train, no less) almost every morning just to wish everyone a good day. You may laugh at me, but it sure beats the all those “motivational” good morning messages that get forwarded on WhatsApp every day.
9. You can let someone know you’re missing them

I also use Snapchat a lot to tell people that I’m missing them by taking a photo of wherever I am and sending it out. Plus you can add your own cute little message (or drawing) to really personalise it!
10. You get to share all the random/cute/silly things in your life

Plus, the new Snapchat has a load of new features like video calling and chatting. It’s slowly evolving, but I like that even now it’s retained its simplicity – that, for me, is one of the best parts about Snapchat.