It’s that time of the week again when we discuss who wore what on the latest episode of our favourite gory show – Game of Thrones. After two episodes of near to nothing when it came to the clothes, we’re finally back on track.
Are you feeling the withdrawal symptoms already? I know I am. Did you realize we’re halfway through this season? Oh I don’t want it to end!! As much as I love watching Arya Stark and The Hound throw death threats at each other, can they just reach where they’re going already? They’ve been at this for far too long. Her sister, on the other hand, can’t seem to catch a break. Looks like Auntie Lysa Arryn and Melisandre have the same mental issues. They both have that same crazy look in their eye.
Here’s what finally changed (and some of what didn’t) with the clothes.
Sansa Lannister

The hood instantly makes Sansa Lannister look very vulnerable. She’s channeled her inner Little Red Riding Hood. Of course, creepy Little Finger can play the Big Bad Wolf.
Lysa Arryn

She’s now Lysa Baelish though. Sansa’s auntie is a little minx, isn’t she? She should borrow her outfits from Margaery Tyrell in the future; maybe her new husband will be more interested then.
Cersei & Prince Oberyn

Now here are two people who are very comfortable in their clothes. I don’t think Oberyn Martell has moved away from the colour yellow and Cersei has a head full of devilish plans for Tyrion to care about her clothes.
Daenerys Targarian
Khaleesi’s finally getting comfy! She’s ditched her blues and moved on to a rather airy maxi. Something I can imagine wearing even today. It does look a bit like she stole Missandei’s dress though. Take a look.

Tell us what you thought of the episode in the comments below. Also, is anyone else missing Ellaria Sand? Where has Oberyn’s paramour been hiding?
Don’t miss out! Catch the episode every Sunday at 9 p.m. on HBO Defined.
Pix Courtesy: HBO India