If you’re like Team MissMalini, you probably need your daily dose of coffee to wake up every morning, but did you know that coffee also wakes up your skin? Yep, it’s true, coffee bean extracts can actually do a lot to energise your skin and ensure you start off your day on a great note! Pond’s Men’s new Energy Charge line for men does just that. The new range of coffee-infused skin products will bring new life to your skin! Still need convincing? Here are some benefits that coffee brings to your skin:
Applying coffee boosts collagen which in turn brightens the skin and improves its texture by boosting your skin elasticity.
Coffee bean extracts preserve skin energy with its free radical properties. Everyone knows fruits and veggies are a good source for antioxidants, but most people don’t know that coffee is a very rich source too!

Coffee bean extract is known to be the newest soldier in battling the damage caused by UV Rays! Living in India we all need to be wary of UV rays from the sun that accelerate ageing, and can increase the risk of developing cancer. Coffee bean extract helps your skin kill off UV-damaged cells, helping to prevent damaged cells from becoming cancerous.

The Pond’s Men Energy Charge range contains Coffee Bean Extract, an ingredient high in anti-oxidants, and known for its multiple skin benefits. It improves your skin texture and leaves you with healthy looking and energized skin. The Pond’s Men Energy Charge Face Wash instantly brightens and energizes your skin, and the Cooling Menthol ingredient gives you a refreshing boost to start your day. Guys, here is your way to look bright and recharged!
What are you waiting for? Go wake up your skin!
For more info & prizes visit Pond’s Men on facebook and on Twitter – #getRecharged