A MissMalini wrote in earlier to ask why one of the biggest names in Bollywood, Aditya Chopra, is such an enigma. There has always been a certain aura of mystery around him, since he is rarely ever seen in public. The director has also been photographed only a handful of times – just try doing an image search of him; there are surprisingly few photos for such a known personality, and most of them are fairly old

So everyone wants to know why he’s so media-shy and has given only two interviews till date, both of which were in the ’90s to Filmfare magazine. Well, it’s actually quite simple – Adi has just always been an introvert and is extremely shy. Even around his own father, Yash Chopra, he preferred to remain quiet and just observe him at work. If you read one of the interviews he gave earlier, he had admitted to being media-shy and says that a film should speak for itself.
There is also talk that Adi suffers from stammering and that’s a reason why he’s not so confident about coming out in public and talking.