You know how much fun we have at the MissMalini HQs. And of course, one of our favourite activities it to discuss Bollywood celebrity tweets. Imagine them showcasing all their talent, whatever it might be (that’s a whole other blog) in just 140 characters! Here’s what had us wondering, laughing and simply out of words yesterday.
Our favourite, Uday Chopra tops the list! No surprises. Not only was his tweet funny. One of the responses was funnier. I have to admit I am judging both Uday and 4 log for simply having so much free time on their hands and not making better use of it!

Seriously, that’s your problem with Kochadaiyaan, RGV? May I point out that you’ve spelled incorrectly all through the tweet and don’t even get me started on the grammar. As for @SuperStarRajini, he can do what he wants. 🙂

While on superstars, it’s good to know SRK takes his grammar seriously. Now shoo away, you impostors.

And speaking of impostors, Twitter should gladly take up KRK’s claim and show him that he’s just a Twitter troll!

In other news, Sunny Leone seems to be hustling. She can definitely make things more interesting on Twitter, don’t you think?

Last but not the least, we have one question for Abhishek Bachchan? Why are you hash tagging muppets? Care to explain?