Team MissMalini spent 3 fun days at The Corinthians Resort and Club in Pune covering the online reality show, Beauty And The Blogger. If you missed out any of our updates on the shoot or the behind the scenes moments, you could catch it all, right here. But we thought we’d treat you to a review blog of the show through our favourite Instagrams with #BeautyNBlogger!
The Location
As mentioned earlier, we stayed at the beautiful Corinthians Resort and Club in Pune. It is located a little on the outskirts of Pune, so bless Google maps for getting us there. Once we reached and were checked into our rooms, it was all worth it. Alas, we didn’t really get the time to test the pool as we were at work, but it definitely was a pretty view for us.

The players
8 beauties and 8 bloggers formed teams to battle it out. The prize was a chance to be the ultimate social media ninja for American Swan.

The Judges
The very stylish Anusha Dandekar, funny man Cyrus Sahukar and our very own blogger in chief, MissMalini formed the judging trinity for Beauty and the Blogger. Joining them briefly were, make-up & hair artist Daniel Bauer and contemporary dancer Lauren Gottlieb. They whipped the contestants into shape, taught them the tricks to the business while keeping a close eye on their performance and progress.

The Fashion Fixation
With American Swan as a title sponsor, the entire schedule of the shoot was a playground for style spotting, With StyleCracker working some sexy looks for the mentors and the contestants, here’s a quick look at what they wore!

BEauty moods
Of course, with fashion comes the glam and glitter. Tresemme and Lakme ensured that the contestants looked their best through the entire competition.

Task to the finish
To win the completion, the point systems in place were based on how the contestants performed on their tasks. Some of them involved the blogger and the beauty to put forth their creative and sexy side while, the others got them wet, down and dirty!

Backstage madness
Wanna take a peek at a few behind the scene moments through pictures?

Must Take A Selfie
And finally, with 8 teams of beauties with their bloggers, there were a lot of a selfies and here are a few from the lot!

So that was our review of American Swan’s Beauty and the Blogger on Famebox. For videos and all details on the show, visit the Famebox Network and their YouTube channel! And you can obviously get in on the conversation on social media by simply following and adding to #BeautyNBlogger on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.