It’s that time of the week again when I dive in and observe all the fashion on the Game of Thrones. Valar Morghulis means ‘all men must die’, but by the looks of things, we might not have any women left on the show.
Aria has pretty much been lost with The Hound throughout this season; raise your hand if you also feel like this is a long slow build up to something that’s going to blow everyone’s minds. On the other hand, who else is over the moon, pun intended, about the fact that Aunt Lysa is finally dead? – Really, she should’ve seen that coming. Moving on to our favourite man in yellow. Oh Oberyn, my love for you seems to be growing every episode! Let’s hope he kills that beast, The Mountain and then we can all go back to loving him some more.
Let’s look at the clothes now, shall we?
Daenerys Targaryen

Wowza! As if Daenerys wasn’t hot enough – they decided to put her in that dress and now every time she’s on screen, everyone looks awe-struck. I wonder if the charming Daario Naharis had something to do with it.

You can see that they’ve tried to add in a scaly texture to her dress signifying that she’s the mother of dragons. They’ve off set the scales with a repeat of the white pleats we saw her in last episode.
Sansa Stark

Sansa finally seems a bit happy – you can see it in her hair! All soft and flowy. I’m guessing it’s only going to get better now that Aunty Lysa’s fallen to the ground.
Lysa Arryn

It’s sad that she died looking like she was covered in her grandma’s tablecloth. The only thing interesting about any of her dresses is the draping and layering. But she surely could have done without that ugly thing wrapped around her neck.
Here’s a quick preview of what’s happening next time.
Don’t miss out! Catch the show every Sunday at 9 p.m. on HBO Defined.
Pix: HBO India