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Does Abhishek Bachchan Want to Kill Everyone?

Does Abhishek Bachchan Want to Kill Everyone?

Rashmi Daryanani
Abhishek Bachchan

It looks like Abhishek Bachchan has gotten into a complete workout mode. He tweeted yesterday saying that he was about to hit the gym (#BringOnThePain, of course) and then asked which of his followers would like to workout with him. Looks like he must have received some positive responses, because he sent out a tweet shortly afterwards with a full workout that you can do at home. That is, of course, dependant on whether you can actually do it at all, because… I mean, my body hurt just reading the routine.


So ya, clearly he was trying to kill everyone…


… aaand he’s doing it again too:


I’m just saying, these are not the kind of tweets I need to be coming across during lunch time when I’m trying to figure out which horribly unhealthy food to order. In any case, I’m now motivated to hit the gym, so I guess I have Abhishek to thank for that?


Are you going to be trying out Abhishek’s workouts?