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7 Brilliantly Profound Bollywood Celebrity Tweets You MUST Take Inspiration From

7 Brilliantly Profound Bollywood Celebrity Tweets You MUST Take Inspiration From

Rashmi Daryanani
Shah Rukh Khan

Sometimes, all you need is a place to dump your thoughts, and that’s why we love Twitter so much – it’s the perfect place to throw out your feelings sometimes. Often, Bollywood celebrities use the social networking site for similar reasons, and every once in a while we come across some brilliantly profound tweets by them (Shah Rukh Khan, in particular, is very good at this). We’ve gathered seven of these tweets, so in case you need a little inspiration today, make sure you take these reminders.

1) Change only what you can


Even if it’s the small things, take control over what you can. Let the rest go.

2) The small things matter


Small things can make the biggest differences. Show love to someone you appreciate today, even if it’s in a small way – it will make a huge impact!

3) Sometimes you have to earn it


If things are a bit difficult getting that thing you want, don’t worry too much – it’s a lot sweeter when you’ve earned it. 🙂

4) Just focus on your goals


It’s natural to want the credit for the things you’re doing. But the more important thing is to do it!

5) It’s all in your mind


You may take the law of attraction with a pinch of salt, but it’s kinda true: you attract what you put out into the universe! So try to find the happiness where you can, and you will automatically attract the good things to you. Don’t chase other things to find happiness, because you can be happy right now.

6) Perspective is everything


On that same note, try to change your perspective when you can – sometimes that’s all you need to see a difficult situation in a better light. “Take your pain and play with it” – I couldn’t put it any better way!

7) Let it go


And sometimes, when nothing else works, you just need to try to switch off. Let it go; don’t think too much.