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7 Coordinated Kittens + 1 Shiny Object = Heart Melted

7 Coordinated Kittens + 1 Shiny Object = Heart Melted

Rashmi Daryanani

We like kittens. We like videos of kittens doing cute things. But then, every once in a while, the Internet delivers a video that puts all other adorable videos to shame. And this, my friends, is one of those times. If you thought you liked kittens, just check out what happens when seven kittens (ALL born on the same day, by the way) react upon seeing a shiny object. I cannot believe how perfectly coordinated they are (dance troupes could take lessons from them, seriously) and just… yeah, watch this now. It’s super cute.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to go spend the rest of my night YouTubing cute kitten videos. I feel duty-bound to find them all.