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Things Film Geeks Say When An Ajay Devgn Film Trailer Goes Live!

Things Film Geeks Say When An Ajay Devgn Film Trailer Goes Live!

Dhruvi Shah
Singham Returns

So a little earlier today, I shared with you what I thought were the hilarious moments from the Singham Returns trailer. That also sparked off a conversation on this Facebook group called Film Geeks. And here are the 5 hilarious reactions one of the members, Abhishek Sen gave to the trailer:

1. Anyone who visualizes someone jump, rip off a light post and hit someone over the head with it, all while the said person is mid-air, deserves respect.
2. Ajay Devgandu has a film company? WHAAAAAAA *surprised emoticon*
(And yes, it’s called Ajay Devgn FFilms)
3. Q. How is what they show in 1:37 possible?
A. F*ck Physics. That’s how.
4. Wasn’t he married in the first one? Or is this on an alternate dimension.
5. *I’m overthinking this way too much*

Film Geeks’ conversation on Facebook
Film Geeks’ conversation on Facebook about Singham 2
A Film Geek’s reaction to the Singham Returns trailer

What do you film nerds talk about? Tell us because we really want to know!