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THIS is What Happens When You Try To Erase Yourself From the Internet!

THIS is What Happens When You Try To Erase Yourself From the Internet!

Malini Agarwal

I recently started watching old episodes of John Oliver‘s absolutely AWESOME show called Last Week Tonight and been dying laughing. This guy is utter genius! (Well trained Jon Stewart!) Everything he does is basically brilliant but THIS segment really cracked me up. Have you heard the news about a new European law that would allow people to erase themselves from internet search engines? Yup. THAT happened! But now watch how it backfired BIG TIME for the guy who made headlines for sending in the very first request!

Hahaha let that be a lesson to you my friend! The ONE thing this man didn’t want us to know about him, is now the ONLY thing billions of people on the planet know about him. Just Google Costeja González, #FML much?

John Oliver

Also John suggested we embrace our awkwardness and proposed the hashtag #MutuallyAssuredHumiliation to save us from our OWN pasts by posting phenomenally embarrassing photos of ourselves. I like it, I even did it! (3 YEARS AGO!)

I do believe it’s your move? #MutuallyAssuredHumiliation awaits! xoxo