Books are the best! Books should rule the world someday. Okay the latter might not be entirely possible, but in my opinion reading is one of the best habits one can have. That is why as a mature 24 year old I’m listing down 10 books every girl should definitely read once in her lifetime. Seriously, these books are therapy! So whenever you feel low, pick one of these beauties and prepare to get inspired!
1) Bossypants

Tina Fey is my idol, so it’s obvious why I was one of the first few Indians to pre-order her autobiography Bossypants! Even if you’re not as big a fan of the woman as I am or even if you haven’t heard of Tina Fey (now I’m judging you) just go and buy this book. It’ll make you laugh your ass off, but will also put light on the fact that it’s not easy being funny. I really don’t know why Tina and Amy Poehler aren’t running for President and Vice President in America!
2) Gone With The Wind

Scarlett O’ Hara was a handful. Some might call her selfish, some might call her vain, and I might call her all of that. But for a man like Rhett Butler, there was a need for a woman like Scarlett O’ Hara. All us ladies sometimes need to channel our inner Scarlett! You will know why if you read Gone With The Wind.
3) The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Be yourself whenever you can, but if you can be Lisbeth Salander… then be Lisbeth Salander, always be Lisbeth Salander!
4) Jane Eyre

Say this quote to anyone who tries to make you their slave (I don’t know who will, but someone will), throw Jane Eyre in their faces, drop the mic, and walk away.
5) Pride And Prejudice

Statutory Warning: Reading Pride and Prejudice many times will give you unrealistic expectations in men as you will be looking frantically for your personal Mr. Darcy, but will never be able to find him!
6) Bridget Jones’ Diary

Statutory Warning: This one has a Mr. Darcy too! You have no hope now. Join my club.
7) Little Women

Because Louisa May Alcott was a genius and her main character Jo is somewhat of a soul sister to all budding writers out there, Little Women is a must read.
8) Is everyone hanging out without me (And Other Concerns)

Mindy Kaling and I should be BFFs. She can also be my therapist, my sister, and my lover. Okay not lover, but really. We just need to meet! We’re practically twins!
9) Matilda

I will remain thankful to my mom for picking up this book for me when the first signs of mood swings started happening. Read Matilda and definitely make your child, younger sibling, cousin, and friend read it as well!
10) Witness For The Prosecution

This Agatha Christie suspense thriller perfectly shows how a woman can do anything for the man she loves, but can also do anything if she’s scorned. Hell hath no fury……
Special mention: Gone Girl

The movie comes out in October, but do me a favour and go read the book. Everyone needs to know about the greatness of Amazing Amy!
Add your favourite books below 🙂