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10 Emotions Every Book Lover Always Goes Through!

10 Emotions Every Book Lover Always Goes Through!

Shreemi Verma
Source: Pinterest.com

Hello lovers of books and everything that is great in this world. I just finished reading The Hunger Games – and yes, I know how late to the ‘game‘ I am (get it, get it?), but I felt like I HAD to write down the emotions every book lover goes through while reading/finishing a book. I’m sure you bookworms can relate to my feeling of emptiness and worthlessness after completing a book too, so let’s get together and wallow in misery. Till we find a brand new book to get our hands on again! In my case, it’ll be Catching Fire; let me know which one will it be for you 🙂

1) Getting your hands on a brand new book

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It’s like Christmas has come early, it’s like my life has meaning again, it’s like I finally have something to do!

2) Inhaling the fragrance of the pages

Source: 9Ggag.com

Honest to god, if I could capture this scent and spray it all over me, I would. I’d sell it too!

3) Wanting to finish the entire book at one go

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Many times we can’t always do what we want to do, but I did manage this feat while reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time! I also announced the spoilers to everyone who hadn’t read it (maybe that’s why I don’t have friends).

4) Getting far too emotionally invested the characters

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Ned Stark, Dumbledore, Augustus Waters… their fictional deaths caused me more pain than what I feel for depressing things around me in real life!

5) Getting mad at the choices of your favourite characters

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OMG! Why would Jacob go with (or ‘imprint‘ on, whatever) Bella‘s daughter? What is wrong with you Jacob, you were the only bearable one!

6) Slotting your friends into the characters you think they are most similar to

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I know Tina thinks she’s like Daenerys Targaryen, but I personally believe she’s more of a Cersei Lannister. Pooja is quite manipulative though, a lot like Margaery Tyrell… hmmm…

7) Falling in love with the hero of the book

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Paging Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy!

8) Suffering from a ‘book hangover’

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It’s a 100000000+ times worse than a regular hangover but a 1000000000+ times healthier, so take your pick. I’d always choose a book hangover. Always!

9) Having many books in your wishlist, and wanting to read them all at one go

Source: Tumblr.com

It’s completely alright to read One Hundred Years Of Solitude and To The Lighthouse together, both the books are so easy to read, NOT.

10) Feeling like a part of your soul has left you when the book gets over

Source: Pinterest.com

The struggle is real, the emotions are real. The only solution is getting your hands on a new book as soon as possible!