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Would You Say “No” To A Guy Who Proposed With 99 iPhones?

Would You Say “No” To A Guy Who Proposed With 99 iPhones?

Malini Agarwal
[Photo: Weibo]

Well this girl sure did! True story. Apparently a computer programmer in South China staged a rather extravagant proposal, slap bang in the middle of a giant iPhone 6 heart! But his GF said um… “no”.

[Photo: Weibo]

Uh oh. Bummer. This is probably a bad time to ask… BUT – dear crazy boy, can you toss me one of those babies? I promise iHeart you forever. xoxo

Psst! 99 iPhone 6s apparently costs $85,000 aka ₹5,230,196 That’s a lot of money! That’s a lot of iPhones.