So I watched Interstellar last night and it totally blew my mind. First, because I’m a huge geek and love all this Sci-Fi/futuristic awesomeness and second, because I genuinely believe that intelligent life is out there and will make contact in our lifetime. Or at least I hope it will! Changing – for one thing – the Miss Universe contest forever! 😛

But anyway, while we wait for “The Others” to make “Contact” or achieve the technology required to explore the “Cosmos” and find them (extra points if you get all my TV/Movie/Documentary references btw!) here’s a little understanding-Interstellar 101 from me to you! Just because after I watch a movie like this, ALL I can think about is what it all means and – did I miss anything?
So here are just some of the cool things I found during my late night movie post-mortem (with a little help from my fellow Sci-Fi junkie and head stylist Marv D!) xoxo
1. The Science In Fiction.
This is a super intelligent video Marv found on the making of Interstellar, narrated By Matthew McConaughey himself! It also explains, without a shadow of doubt, that while this movie may be fiction, director Christopher Nolan worked with top physicists to create a realistic trip to distant solar systems. Boom.
2. How Time Works…
This is a slightly confusing timeline of all the major events in the movie. Definitely do not attempt to decode it until AFTER you have watched the film. You have been warned! *click to enlarge*

3. Life In 5D.
They don’t spend enough time on this in the movie, because it’s so complex, but here is “The Fifth Dimension” explained thanks to
Dimension No. 1: A line. Any line.
Dimension No. 2: A plane — that forms when you add width to the line.
Dimension No. 3: Space.
Dimension No. 4: Time. Like you right now v/s you 5 minutes ago. (Blowing your mind yet?)
Dimension No. 5: In 5D you not only move through your past-present-future “selves” but also different timelines of each moment of your past-present-future. (I got this last mind-blasting bit from arpitgarg, thank you sir!)
4. Our Coordinates In The Cosmos.
If all this stuff is starting to blow your mind, then you’ve simply GOT to watch this National Geographic Documentary – Cosmos: A Spacetime Odessey. I’m obsessed, and you learn a hell of a lot about outer space – which is ALL true.
5. Hello, Can Anybody Hear Me?
If there’s one thing I took away from this movie is that that it would probably be SUPER useful to know some kind of “universal code” to communicate back in time (or across space) should the need arise! So I downloaded this little morse code cheat sheet and can now successfully write my name in dots and dashes. _ _ ._ ._.. .. _. .. Ta-dah! Your turn to try, find your name or leave me a message in morse in the comments below I promise to reply 🙂

Now I’m going to go watch The Fifth Element again and hope the future involves more “intelligent beings” than just our future selves to play with 🙂