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5 Ways You Can Always Remain Drunk In Love

5 Ways You Can Always Remain Drunk In Love

Devanshi Kapadia
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The entire MissMalini HQ has been really pumped about our new Romance & Sex section. In fact, MissMalini’s written about the ten awesome things you can expect in this section and we’re really planning to go where most don’t dare enter *wink wink* with it. This brings me to relationships. Trust me, I know how messy this relationship business gets. Most of the guys in this city are commitment-phobic. If that doesn’t take long enough, once we meet someone who does potentially want a relationship, we’ve got to date a bunch of weirdos before we find Mr.Right (or right for the moment, at least). But… unfortunately, the problem doesn’t end here. Because now we’ve got to figure out a way to stay Drunk In Love a la Jay-Z & Beyoncé.

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Here’s 5 ways you can keep the fire burning. Hey, these little gems of advice don’t come with a guarantee, but it’s definitely worth a try, right? No regrets!

P.S – These points are in no way gender or sexuality specific.

1) Turn “Off” From Work The Right Way

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You’ve got to learn to tune out work for at least a couple of hours a day, but that doesn’t mean you just grab a drink and watch some telly. Take out a little time from your day to talk to your significant other about your day. It doesn’t have to be about work, but it’s a great way to relieve yourself of the day’s stress.

2) Run Away!

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No, I don’t mean elope, but you can always pretend you’re running away for a weekend. Of course, there’s always holidays and vacations that you plan together, but make it a point to be spontaneous sometimes and just get away for the weekend. Remember to keep contact with the outside world to a minimum during these getaways.

3) Keep Arguments At Bay

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Heated arguments quickly turn into full-on fights and this only kills the fire in your relationship. There are certain exchanges of words that can never be taken back. Don’t let it get there. When you feel like you’re getting really mad, switch off your phone or leave the house (whatever it takes) and stay away for a while. You can always revisit the topic when you cool down and have a discussion instead of an argument.

4) Honesty Not Transparency

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We all tell little white lies. Nobody’s a saint. But draw your boundaries from the start and always be honest about the things that matter. In fact, be as honest as possible. Talking it out, like rational adults, can solve a problem 99% of the time. Make sure you make your significant other feel like they can come and talk to you about anything.

5) Sex. I Said It. Bite Me.

Source: Tumblr

Like it or not, it’s something you’ve got to constantly work on. Figure out what does it for you and make sure both of you are enjoying it. And never be afraid to keep discovering!

Got any tips of your own? Please share!