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MissMalini’s Mission 2015: 7 Steps To A Total #MindBodySoul Refresh!

MissMalini’s Mission 2015: 7 Steps To A Total #MindBodySoul Refresh!

Malini Agarwal

I’m doing it kids. I’m making 2015 the year for total health and happiness (with a few cheat days of course, reserved for chocolate, chips, bacon and perhaps a little self-pity now and again! *lol*) BUT for the most part, I plan to spend 2015 making “real good, feel good” changes in my life and you’re more than welcome to join me! Here’s my checklist, feel free to add your own in the comments below 🙂 xoxo

1. Dabba-dabba-do!

To steal a phrase from The Flinstones, its time to find a better daily lunch option at work than Dominos, McDonalds or KFC. I know the happy meal toys are super fun and everything, but I’m trading them in for a healthy wholesome dabba lunch that consists of most of the major food groups; (which you should know by now are fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and diary!)


Nowshad and I are trying out foodizm for starters and I’ll let you know how that goes. We’re also kicking off eating breakfast (or at least a fruit) in the morning and low fat dinners with Nowshie’s new air-fryer and roasting over. In fact Nowshad is busy making home-made hummus as I type! (Video recipes coming soon.)

2. Health Check.

DO NOT make the mistake I made and Google your symptoms! The only way to know where your vitals stand for sure is to get a good annual health check up.

Web MD

Nowsh and I did this (for the first time) just as 2014 ended and got our reports via email and in a nicely typed up folder from NM Medical. (We did the Gold Plus health-check if you’re interested.) It takes up the better part of your day, so take a book along, but it’s totally worth it if you ask me. They have various other plans here!

3. Think Fit!

I understand that for most people (like myself) dragging themselves to a gym is not an exciting proposition. So here’s what I recommend; find a sport or fun activity you enjoy, like dance, yoga, pilates, swimming, kick-boxing, pole dancing… whatever and make someone else join with you!

Get fit now

This kinda helps ensure that you don’t flake out! Our newest recruit Mishti Shirke is a fitness fiend and has promised to get us all in shape by the end of this year, IF we’re willing to follow her instructions and give up one unhealthy habit each. Can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve 🙂

4. Be Kind, Rewind.

I’ve also decided to stop complaining in 2015. No more b*tching at or about people, situations or life in general! It is what it is and I am mostly ridiculously happy to be alive so why not keep it that way? This means self-regulating even if you slip up and say something negative. Pause, acknowledge that some habits are hard to break and make up for it by thinking and saying something positive immediately!

be nice

It might take a little getting used to but I swear it’s like this; whatever you put out into the universe, that’s exactly what comes back to you #MMKarma. Think positive and good stuff happens, imagine the worst and that happens too. (But remember, this needs to be coupled with a fair amount of handwork and patience!)

5. Sleeping Beauty.

It’s crucial that you slot in enough ZZZzzz time if you plan to do any of the above. Without adequate sleep, working out, thinking happy – all becomes that much harder.


Did you know skipping just one night’s sleep makes you cranky and clumsy? Of course you did, we’ve all been there. So 2015 is the year I get my beauty sleep! For me (and I suspect some of you) that means no more going to bed with technology. Take book instead 🙂

6. Feed Your Mind, And Your Body!

Speaking of books, I’m making your life easier by suggesting what you should read! In fact we’ll read one book together every month and then have a virtual discussion at the end of each book. Get your copy now, we’re starting with Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little.


You have all of January to get through it and we’ll slot in our sharing time on the 30th of January via a #geekchic virtual hangout! #SaveTheDate for #MMBookClub 🙂 And remember to snack on healthy nibbles like fruits, nuts and seeds instead of chips, cookies and chocolate while you do!

7. Love.

Literally the easiest and most important (in my opinion) of them all! Just love. Find time, everyday, to tell someone you love them. It doesn’t even have to be a grand gesture. It could be a Facebook comment or an email; or like my “Bollywood Kapoor” Rashmi likes to do; leave them a little post-it love note now again telling them they’re awesome, or that they’re your sunshine or they have a great smile. Try it, it feels kinda amazing! (PS. I chose this meme for you special, you Potter-head!)


In fact, one sure fire way to be reminded of how wonderful life is everyday is to sign up for these incredible “notes from the universe” that will land in your mailbox each day. I did a blog about them once too, check it out!

So there you have it dear Universe, this is my list of 2015 “resolutions” if you will. I’ve started already and I think we’re on the right track, don’t you?
