If chatter is to be believed, Salman Khan and Kabir Khan aren’t quite getting along on the sets of their latest film, Bajrangi Bhaijaan. However, those who know Kabir are aware that this isn’t the first time he’s having a difference of opinion with Salman. During the shoot of Ek Tha Tiger, there were several very public heated arguments between the two over several dialogues and scenes. Even though the film turned out to be a success, buzz was that Kabir had vowed never to work with Salman again. It took common friend Sajid Nadiadwala, who is working with Kabir on Phantom, to get these two to have a truce.
The Bajrangi Bhaijaan unit is presently shooting in Rajasthan, after which they will leave for Kashmir. I’ve been told that Salman isn’t really happy with the dialogues of the film and changes them as per his fancy in between shots. This clearly upset Kabir, who ended up deleting one scene without informing Salman. Buzz is that there was a heated argument after this.
It seems that both Salman and Kabir are in a rush to finish the film as soon possible. I’ve heard that even Kareena Kapoor was visibly upset after being witness to one such fight!