Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is one of the most celebrated stars in Bollywood. And she always will be. But her journey started in 1994, when a young and dainty Ash participated in the most prestigious beauty pageant of the world and emerged winner. The gorgeous diva left everyone awestruck with her elegance and won the coveted title of Miss World. In fact, she was recently given the title of the most successful Miss World. Naturally, her opinion about this pageant matters a lot to many. So now that the bikini round has been excluded from the contest, Ash was asked to share what she feels about it. Here’s what she said:
I am very happy. When I became Miss World, I was definitely not the best beach body of all the 87 contestants. I can vouch for it. I can put a stamp on it. And yet I won the title. People believe that this (swimwear round) is an imperative round and this becomes the deciding factor. That’s not true. I also remember being told that, ‘getting the Miss Perfect 10′ title was not only about literally your physicality, it was all about how you presented yourself, your confidence and so much else that went with it.
We couldn’t agree more with Ash! What about you guys?