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How To Give Your Parents Bad News! (According to iiSuperwomanii.)

How To Give Your Parents Bad News! (According to iiSuperwomanii.)

Aayushi Bhargava

Let’s face it, parents will be parents. They freak out! Its their “thing”. The smallest incident can make them go, “Haw! How could puttar?”


And we, of course, make mistakes. Especially in those vulnerable teenage years. I’m sure everybody has had (and might still be having) those awful moments where we’ve been caught doing something our parents are going to freak out about. Failed a math test, or gotten detention. Whatever the case may be, we are always answerable to our parents!

So, here’s a “cheat sheet” for you to be able to break bad news to those over-emotional souls, without any instant repercussions. Mind you, this requires some serious manipulative prowess, acting chops and fiction creation. Aah… who am I kidding? I’m sure this comes to you naturally especially when it involves saving your a**, right?!

Over to you, iiSuperwomanii!

Have you tried any of these tactics yourself? Tell us in the comments below!